Jan 23, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed, Vidcast
Hello folks. Sorry I’ve been away for a while. I’ve been battling computer viruses, conducting a job search, and dealing with family stuff over the last few weeks and episode 39 was moved lower on the priority list for a time. I am back at editing now, so expect another audio episode soon.
One thing I finished recently that I’ve been working on here and there for over a year is a video promo. I can do a few things in Flash but nothing I was putting together for MaAH was appealing to me. Enter the website Animoto.com. With animoto you upload your photos, drawings, etc., add text, add music, and then it spits out a video for you. The only drawback is you have no real control over the transitions used, so your only recourse if you don’t like how something looks is to re-render the whole thing and see if it turns out the way you want it.
After a lot of tries I came up with the video you see here. If you like it, please embed it, promote it, put the file on your site or in your podcast feed, etc. I’d be honored.
If you want to embed it, please let me know and I’ll send you the code. If you don’t want to email me, I have a version of the video on youtube that you can grab, but the video doesn’t look as good on youtube (you can make the video look better when embedding though by changing the resolution of the video).
This is the first time I’m placing a video in my feed. Hopefully no one will have issues.
Most of the art in this video and information on those artists can be found on the Art page of the site, including work by Ron Holyfield, Natalie Metzger, Jeff Himmelman, and Devin Night. One image of wolves seen in the video courtesy of Eggybird through a creative commons license associated with the image on Flickr. The music in the promo is Oj Jabuko by Stellamara, courtesy of Magnatune.com. More information on this artist can be found on the Music page of the site.
Aug 31, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed, Vidcast
I just got a new Kodak HD video camera (the Zi8).
I love it, and look forward to capturing more of Dragon*Con this year.
Here’s my first attempt at recording video. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to look at the camera more next time.
What I say is important, though
I need your help. Any suggestions around what video content I should create in preparation for Murder at Avedon Hill’s print release would be awesome!
Sep 2, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Other Podcasts, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed, Vidcast
In preparation for the upcoming video content for the Murder at Avedon Hill podcast, I wanted to film an important event in podcasting… my studio! No, that’s not it. I wanted to talk a little about Scott Sigler’s hardback edition of The Rookie… more notes later.
Music – David Beard – Jack’s Anger
Oct 7, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed, Tales of the Children, Vidcast
So we enter a new realm with the Murder at Avedon Hill podcast… our first vidcast.
On October 7th Patrick McLean and I did a live reading of his Tales of the Children short story, “The Old God and the Sea.” After the reading we did a Q&A with Chooch (Chooch was on skype).
To make the video a little more fun, especially since Patrick’s story was a bit of a comedy, I’ve added some pop-up elements that hopefully add some humor to the video, and it also helps those watching the video understand what was going on in the Stickam chat room before the reading and during the Q&A.
This video is Pt. 1 (the intro and the reading). Pt. 2 will be released in the feed tomorrow.
For those that want separate feeds for audio and video, that is coming soon, along with a site redesign.
Oct 9, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed, Tales of the Children, Vidcast
On October 7th Patrick McLean and I did a live reading of his Tales of the Children short story, “The Old God and the Sea.” After the reading we did a Q&A with Chooch (Chooch was on skype).
To make the video a little more fun, especially since Patrick’s story was a bit of a comedy, I’ve added some pop-up elements that hopefully add some humor to the video, and it also helps those watching the video understand what was going on in the Stickam chat room before the reading and during the Q&A.
This video is Pt. 2 (the Q&A). I tried to include something for everyone in this video. Give it a watch and see what I mean.
For those that want separate feeds for audio and video, that is coming soon, along with a site redesign.