Jan 16, 2007
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Appearances, Other Podcasts
I recently joined Christiana Ellis (author of Nina Kimberly the Merciless) on her very fun podcast called “Hey Want to Watch a Movie?”. “Hey Want to Watch a Movie?” is a podcast where Christiana skypes in three or four people and they all watch a movie, providing listeners with a fan version of a director’s commentary.
Along with Christiana, I joined Steve Eley (Escape Pod, Podholes)Â and Neil (the Borderline podcast) to watch one of my favorite all-time movies, The Princess Bride.
So if you have a copy of The Princess Bride and want to play along, download the podcast from Christiana’s site. It was a lot of fun for me and I hope to do this again real soon.
Jan 18, 2007
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Appearances, Other Podcasts
I wrote a short story back in October. It’s about meeting Scott Sigler, author of Earthcore, Ancestor, Infection, and his current podcast novel, “The Rookie.” The story starts out autobiographical, but it takes a horrific (yet fun) turn that I thought might appeal to Scott and his fans.
I sent the soft copy to a couple of podcasters and received positive feedback… and J.C. Hutchins liked it enough to agree to “play” Scott Sigler in the podcast version of the story. I sent the audio version of the story to Scott in November… and today he dropped it in his feed!!
The name of the story is Death, Taxes, and Scott Sigler. I’ll be playing a version of it in my own feed probably next week, but if you can’t wait, please download it from Scott’s site and give it a listen (and if you like it, please comment about it on Scott’s site).
Ah, a good day… 

Jan 21, 2007
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Appearances, Other Podcasts
I’ll share the longer version of the story on next week’s first T-minus podcast, but a while back I got an idea for a skit for J.C. Hutchins, playing on the dangerous contortions one might go through to imitate the Kilroy 2.0 clone voice. I wrote a fake PSA and several podcasters agreed to play along.
Head on over to J.C. Hutchins 7th Son website to listen to the short version of the skit, which he dropped into his podcast feed on Friday. The long version of it is there as well, in the Download Center area of his site. Again I’ll be playing a version of it in next week’s podcast, and will talk more about the great podcasters that contributed their time and energy during the Christmas holiday on this silly little creation.
Jan 22, 2007
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Miscellaneous
I went to Atlanta last week to deliver training to a group I support at my full-time job. It mainly was an excuse to visit Leann and Clair. Leann Mabry is the host of one of my favorite podcasts, Tag in the Seam. We had fun recording nothing in particular, working up a skit for one of her future episodes, and it gave me the opportunity to pick Clair’s brain a bit on using a mixer.
Leann is the voice of Gretta in my promo, and will be reading two parts (Gretta and one of the two vital female characters later in the book) in my podcast novel.
It was great to meet Leann and Clair (we were at the same parties and podcast sessions at Dragon*Con, but we never officially met) and it simply reinforced what I have been telling people ever since Dragon*Con… podcasters are simply the best group of people you will every hope to meet.
Some photos…

Feb 11, 2007
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Appearances, Other Podcasts
Today Matthew Selznick released Episode 3 of his Five Minute Memoir podcast. This particular memoir just happens to be mine…
Matthew’s description of his podcast:
“Every life is a mosaic of moments… the stories, confessions, and formative times that make us who we are. On Five Minute Memoir, listeners share vignettes from their own experience… and so reveal the common threads connecting us all.”
Episode 3 is my recollection of a formative day during my young life, where I learned that ‘larger than life’ has more than one meaning… and that politicians never stop being politicians… ever.
If I had given this a name, it would have been called “No Virginia, there isn’t a Santa Claus” (even though I know there is a Santa Claus… no, really, there is).