Sep 16, 2008
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
00:00 – Intro
- Bumper: David and Talli Van Sunder
- Intro Chatter
- the ‘damn you HOLYFIELD’ meme seems to be taking off
- Another shout-out to The Devil’s Panties webcomic
- Fifty Reviews on iTunes! 40 Votes on! I hate Twilight Podcasts!
- Please nominate MaAH at the Podcast Awards website –
- Guest Voices – Rick Stringer, James Ziesel
4:21 – The Story So Far
The Story So Far for this episode: read by Nobilis.
Following the flight of the vampire master, Arames Kragen faced the wrath of Lord Avedon. He convinced Lord Avedon that his actions were meant to keep Edvard’s condition a secret.
05:30 – Chapter Thirty-one: Talik
Arames and Arrin return to the inn for the evening. Arames has a long talk with Talik, and Arrin dreams… of wolves.
24:30 – Chapter Thirty-two: Rondellus Marx (Part 1)
Arrin comes to understand that sleep is not in the plans once again.
28:20 – Promos
Music in this podcast:
Sep 29, 2008
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
0:00 – Intro
- Bumper: Patrick McLean
- Intro Chatter
- This is the big one! Jam Packed with production goodness! (Please let me know if I’ve gone too far!)
- Call the Caern Line – 704-315-5884
- Don’t let Tabz push me around! Nominate MaAH at the Podcast Awards website –
- Guest Voices – James Ziesel, Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff
4:00 – The Story So Far
The Story So Far for this episode: read by Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff.
Arames and Arrin return to the inn for the evening. Arames has a long talk with Talik, and Arrin dreams… of wolves.
5:30 – Chapter Thirty-two: Rondellus Marx (Part 2)
Arames and Arrin search for Talik and discover the truth about Rondellus Marx and his Carnival of Stars.
Music in this podcast:
Aug 28, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
As promised, I decided to interview the other four finalists in the Best Audio Drama Long Form Category at this year’s Parsec Awards. While I’m ultimately hoping to sabotage all of my competitors by getting them to admit to something horrible… like drinking Miller Lite… or kicking puppies… I’m afraid all I’m really good at is making sure people learn more about these wonderful creators.
Here is the second of my four interviews, this one with Mur Lafferty creator and writer of The Takeover. (Yes, I kn0w at the beginning of the interview I say this is the LAST interview. I’ll be releasing more interviews between now and Dragon*Con).

Mur Lafferty is one of my heroes, as you know, and we talk about The Takeover, about Her Side (the fiction/photography collaboration with the incomparable J.R. Blackwell), the Heaven Series, World Con, and The Parsec Awards.
Music: Grande Rue De Pera – Ruben van Rompaey, courtesy of
Promo: The Takeover
Promo: Tales of the Children
Dec 16, 2010
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Appearances, Miscellaneous
Last month I was interviewed by host Gail Z. Martin (Chronicles of the Necromancer, Fallen Kings Cycle) on her “Ghost and the Machine” Podcast. We talked about podcasting and why it is so important to today’s authors.