Dec 6, 2007
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Blogroll
Natalie Metzger (soon making her first appearance as Brianna Ray) did a wonderful piece of artwork, capturing a scene from an upcoming episode. The image will appear in an future video promo, but here is a sneak peek:

Natalie is an wonderful artist and writer. To see a larger version of “Vampire Hunting,” please visit her website:
The Fuzzy Slug: Murder at Avedon Hill – Vampire Hunting
Natalie was also a contributor to The Nanomonkeys podcast.
Thanks Natalie!!
Jul 13, 2008
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Appearances, Blogroll, Miscellaneous, Other Podcasts
Wow, what an event! Matthew Wayne Selznick ran his show like a champ, and even though my 7,000 word story almost killed him, he survived and kicked major butt!
Right now, Brave Men Run is at #65 overall on, and while we were listening it rose to #3 in Action and Adventure! Holy crap!!
The stories by the podcast authors were all wonderful. For those that missed it, there is a rumor that these stories will make an appearance in some form… soon.
And then, as a surprise, Matthew read the first chapter of his next novel, Pilgrimage.
I was very proud of the event, how my story was received, and how gracious Matthew is as human being. Thanks to everyone that attended, and that showed support for independent fiction!
Now, go buy Brave Men Run and let’s take BMR to #1!
Jan 8, 2010
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Blogroll, Miscellaneous
I have had a lot of trouble putting into words what I’ve been feeling this week. One of my best friends, both in podcasting and in life, lost his wife unexpectedly. I don’t have the capacity to write what I should at this point, but thankfully J.C. Hutchins has done just that, more eloquently than I ever could. If you have listened to Tee Morris on his podcasts, or even just as the voice of Father Jorrus in Murder at Avedon Hill, please head on over to J.C.’s site and read this post, and listen to the seven minute audio file. Do that for me.
Thank you to J.C., and to Philippa Ballantine for spearheading the effort around this.
Tee, thoughts and prayers go out on your behalf in this time of need. You are loved.
Dec 25, 2011
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Blogroll, Miscellaneous, Website
Almost two years ago my friend Matthew Wayne Selznick released an anthology called The Sovereign Era: Year One. I was thrilled to have my first published short story be in this anthology. I recommend the anthology highly, along with Matthew’s novel Brave Men Run, the “universe” in which my story takes place. But a couple of days ago Matt released my story as a standalone e-book product. See the description below for more info (text from Matthew’s website).
It’s classified as a short story, but it weighs in at around 8K. Long enough to be called a “novella?” Maybe not. But definitely a good lengthy read for those that missed it when the anthology came out.
“Every Breath You Take” by P. G. Holyfield
P. G. Holyfield is the author of the award-winning fantasy mystery “Murder at Avedon Hill,” a podcaster, and speaks at many conventions in the science fiction and new media fandom community. His “Every Breath You Take” has the distinction of being the single longest piece of Sovereign Era fiction to date (not counting “Brave Men Run — A Novel of the Sovereign Era.”)
“Every Breath You Take” is a tale of teen aggression and obsession. Chris has it bad for Stacey… but in a world where thousands of people possess unique, incredible powers, what exactly stands in the way of Chris getting what he wants..?
Get “Every Breath You Take” for the Nook or Kindle, or buy the epub / Mobi bundle right here… and be sure to visit P. G. Holyfield’s own site for more from him!