Nov 30, 2008
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
0:00 – Intro
2:20 – Previously on Murder at Avedon Hill
Scenes from earlier episodes hopefully remind the listener what has come before.
4:30 – Chapter Thirty-six: The Schedule Book
Gretta’s journal is found. Arames begins to understand Avedon Hill’s true role in the history of Caern.
27:20 – Post-Chapter
- Promo – Lost Gods
- I’ve got Help! Thanks to Murder at Avedon Hill’s new assistant producers: Paulette Jaxton, Stewart Boyles, Charles Blanchard, and Scott Roche
- Contest Update – Qualify by sending me an email after submitting a review on iTunes, by leaving a Caern Line call, and/or by rating MaAH at – I’ve had several reviews on iTunes but not so many emails — get those emails in so you can qualify!
- Podcast Appearances – Geek Cred and Dead Robots Society
- Caern Line Calls
- Teaser for “Flinchy and the Mexican Show Truck” — an audio drama coming soon from The Seanachai
Music in this podcast:
Dec 15, 2008
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
0:00 – Intro
3:00 – The Story So Far
Nathan Lowell delivers the SSF this week.
5:30 – Chapter Thirty-seven: The Hunter of Artus
Arames finally realizes what Gloria Platt drew on the carpet in her home. A conversation with Herrjarr leaves Arames even more certain.
24:50 – Post-Chapter
- Promo – Contagious
- Caern Line Calls and Commentary (call the Caern Line at 704-315-5884)
- Contest Update – Qualify by sending me an email after submitting a review on iTunes, by leaving a Caern Line call, and/or by rating MaAH at – I’ve had several reviews on iTunes but not so many emails — get those emails in so you can qualify!
- 2nd Teaser for “Flinchy and the Mexican Show Truck” — an audio drama that has two episode up at The Seanachai
- Promo – House of Grey
Music in this podcast:

An icon of Artus, the “Child of War”
Feb 25, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Novel
Ah yes…
00:00 – Announcement
Dragon Moon Press will be publishing Murder at Avedon Hill. No set date at this time, but we’re looking at late ’09.
03:30 – Spread the Word!
Press Releases can be found on the Media Kit Page. Please send to your local paper or media outlet… any entity that might be interested in the story of an unpublished author using ‘new media’ to land a publishing deal. Send me an email and let me know what you’ve done… we’re going to take this to the next level. Thanks, people!!
Last thing (not mentioned in the audio announcement). If you have a website or blog, please add a quick post about the publishing deal and link to the Press Page at – It will definitely help!
Music – “Sunset Serenade” – From Marc Gunn’s new CD, Heart’s Ease.
May 15, 2010
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Miscellaneous, Murder at Avedon Hill, Novel
We have certainly rocked it today, people!!!
This is where we are right now:
#1 on the Movers and Shakers List (all books),
#3 in Hot New Releases, Fantasy (General),
#10 in Hot New Releases, Fantasy
#16 Overall, Fantasy (General)
#30 Overall, Fantasy
#274 in Fiction
So far we have 14 reviews on Amazon for the print version of the novel, and five more on the Kindle page. These help out a book’s place on Amazon, so please add a review if you purchased the novel!
Thanks so much for your generosity and support for me, for this novel, and for podcast fiction authors everywhere. I’d love to have one more push tonight, but whatever happens for the rest of the night and tomorrow, this has been a successful launch in my mind, that’s for sure!