Aug 13, 2008
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
Intro Bumper:
Astral Guardian – Astral Audio Experience
Your Voicemails and Emails
Music in this podcast:

Nov 22, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Appearances, Other Podcasts, Tales of the Children
Well, I’ve been treated mighty nice this week by Tabz and the rest of the band of crazies over at Angel Between the Lines. Here’s what’s happened during the Tales of the Children/Angel Between the Lines Crossover Event:
- On Wednesday evening I did a live reading of Tabitha Grace Smith’s Tales of the Children story, Love’s Sacrificial Song, on
- It was my most popular live show so far, with over 200 people attending at least some part of the two hour show.
- We had a live interview with Tabz after the reading.
- We rolled out a brand new element to the Stickam Live Show… the DYH Drinking Game!

- Later that night, Angel Between the Lines released my story, Exit Strategy, as a nearly hour-long full-cast audio drama.
- From the description on the ABTL website: From Ocean’s 11 to the Italian Job there’s no lack of criminals in fiction, but Johannes Cordner needs the best. The puzzling twists and turns aren’t just keeping the audience confused. Can the criminals break into Wolfram & Hart’s law offices without getting caught? And what exactly are they stealing?
- As always, Tabz has delivered a great production. And since this is my first fiction to hit the podosphere since May, I hope you’ll give it a listen.
- On Thursday, ABTL and Murder at Avedon Hill fan Dan Shaurette wrote a great feature story on me and Murder at Avedon Hill. It must have taken Dan HOURS to write that up, and I’m honored.
- On Friday, ABTL released the .pdf of Exit Strategy.
What a great week (other than my laptop dying, which is another story altogether)!
Thanks again to Tabz and ABtL for such a great time. And for those that missed the live show, the audio version of Love’s Sacrificial Song will be released before the end of the year.
Dec 15, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Tales of the Children
Tomorrow I’ll be doing the 7th Live Show on Stickam.
The crowd has grown for every show, so I hope to continue that tomorrow with a story by… me!
Come join the fun. We’ll be doing Round 2 of the Damn You Holyfield Drinking Game, so if nothing else, get drunk with me!
Work on the website has gone well so far (slow, but well), and I hope to have new feeds soon.
Last but not least, I have a seekrit project for 2010. Stay tuned…
NOTE: Postponing show to 12/23, due to family sickness… see you next week.
Mar 15, 2010
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Appearances, MaAH Podcast, Miscellaneous, Murder at Avedon Hill, Other Podcasts, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed

My good friend Patrick McLean over at The Seanachai (How to Succeed in Evil, Flinchy and the Mexican Show Truck) is doing his last episode of his podcast live on Stickam (link to the show will be posted as soon as I get it). The live show will be on Wednesday, March 24, at 9:00 pm Eastern time.
As a good Irishman (at least a 1/4 of me, anyways), I’ll be helping him bring The Seanachai to a fitting end. He’ll be sharing a true story of gun play, injury, and I’m sure he will deliver it with the humor and style that has made The Seanachai one of the best fiction/essay podcasts ever produced.
Join us for the fun.
May 7, 2010
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Murder at Avedon Hill, Novel
For those of you that have never taken part in an Amazon Rush, what exactly is it?
Simply put, we are attempting to push Murder at Avedon Hill up the charts by having as many people purchase it as possible, at the same time, on By doing so, we can push the book up the charts and increase its exposure in the short term. This has successfully been accomplished in the past by authors like Scott Sigler, Tee Morris, and Philippa Ballantine.
So how does it work?
In my case, on Saturday, May 15th, at noon Eastern time I would love for everyone that wants to own the print version of Murder at Avedon Hill to head on over to (url for the book coming soon) and purchase the novel. Amazon updates their rankings every hour, and they even have a specific page called the Movers and Shakers list.
What else will be going on? And what’s in it for me?
Well, besides owning a damn good book, I’m going to be live streaming on starting at noon Eastern. I’ll be reading from the novel, chatting with folks online, and there should be some special guests on hand to celebrate the book’s release. I will also be giving away prizes to several lucky owners of the book. More on that in the days to come… including one special prize that I’m very excited about.
I’ve been creating online content in some capacity for going on five years now. I hope that karma really works, and we can knock this thing right out of the park!