Aug 26, 2008
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Miscellaneous, Murder at Avedon Hill, Website

Long story short: Caroline (the voice of Lane Niccols) is married to a wonderful artist, Jeff Himmelman. Jeff is the same artist that produced the awesome art used by Chris Lester over at the Metamor City podcast. I went to look at Jeff’s art site and came upon the image seen above… and about hurt myself trying to get Outlook open so I could email Caroline and Jeff to see if I could post the image on this site.
So here is Lane Niccols, recently revealed as– wait, I can’t spoil that for new listeners. I’ll shut up now.
Mar 30, 2010
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Murder at Avedon Hill, Novel, Website
Thanks to the great work of Alex White, art director at Dragon Moon Press, I’m honored to reveal the cover for the soon to be released (more on the book release date next week) DMP print version of Murder at Avedon Hill. If you recall, I interviewed Alex back at Dragon*Con in September, and he claimed that he loved working with authors that had definite ideas and feedback. Well, he put up with my questions, suggestions, cries, and pleas, and in the end I think he created an awesome, eye-catching cover: one that will get readers to look at the book for more than five seconds… and then… we’ve got you, got you, got you… oops, channeling Katherine Hepburn from The Lion in Winter again. I hate when that happens.
Well, hopefully you understand why I’m excited.

It feels more real every day. Thanks for coming by to see the cover, and get ready for the push… you’re going to be flooded with content over the next two months.
I’ll be interviewing Alex again as we approach the book’s release, to talk with him about the process we went through, and also about his own journey finishing up The Gearheart.
Apr 1, 2010
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Miscellaneous, Website
On the right-sidebar you will see two donate buttons. The first Paypal Donate button is for those that appreciate the website and the Murder at Avedon Hill podcast. Donations are greatly appreciated, but not expected. Donations to me are mainly used as beer money at conventions, so if you want to see me act crazy at Dragon*Con next year, donate away!
The other, and much more important button, is for those that specifically are donating out of appreciation for Tales of the Children.
Net proceeds from donations tied to Tales of the Children, be it here, on or from possible print someday, will go directly to the Leiomyosarcoma Direct Research Fund.
On April 1st, 2007, podcaster Joe Murphy passed away from Leiomyosarcoma. I only met Joe one time, at Dragon*Con 2006, and his attitude, his zest for life, and his creative spark cemented my desire to enter this ‘world’ and podcast Murder at Avedon Hill.
Joe’s life was cut short by an insidious cancer that spreads through the smooth muscles of the body. Once it starts spreading, it’s rarely containable. Yet there is little publicized about LMS, even though it has such a high mortality rate. Heck, most application/program dictionaries do not even recognize Leiomyosarcoma as a word.

Joe Murphy, Dragon*Con 2006
If you do not wish to donate to a charity through a non-charitable site, I certainly understand. Please visit the Leiomyosarcoma Direct Research Fund to learn more about this disease and to donate directly to the charity.
Thank you.
Apr 26, 2010
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Appearances, Miscellaneous, Murder at Avedon Hill, Novel, Website
Do you see a film in your head when you read or listen to audiobooks? I do. The guys over at have added Murder at Avedon Hill to their site, and I’d love to see who you think would be the best actors to play the various characters in the book.
Murder at Avedon Hill Casting Page at
The site is addicting (if you are a book/film buff), so WATCH out!
May 1, 2010
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Miscellaneous, Murder at Avedon Hill, Tales of the Children, Website
Welcome to the website of P.G. Holyfield, author and podcaster.
Before we go any further, what can you find here?
The Land of Caern is the fantasy setting I’ve been writing and playing RPGs in since 1988.
Back in 2004 I started writing a novel set in The Land of Caern. It began its life as a proposed module for the computer game Neverwinter Nights. I then took the plot from that module and began serializing the story as a text release on the Neverwinter Vault website. After releasing the the first draft of the first half of the novel online, I decided to finish the novel “offline” and try to get it published. I finished the first draft of the novel near the end of 2006.
Early 2006 I discovered podcasting. I began contributing to podcasts in the summer of 2006, and began my own podcast in early 2007. I briefly released Murder at Avedon Hill as a self-published novel through
To learn more about the journey to get Murder at Avedon Hill written in novel form, please visit the page on this site called “The Story Behind the Story.”
I began the podcast version of Murder at Avedon Hill in June of 2007. It is still available on this website, on iTunes, and through
The production ended after 42 episodes on May 21, 2009. Due to the generous help of family, friends, and members of the tribe, MaAH morphed, skirting the line between straight read and audio drama, with over 45 guests adding their voices to the podcast.
You can download episodes directly or subscribe through your aggregator of choice.
Murder at Avedon Hill was picked up by Dragon Moon Press and is due to be published in 2010.
In September of 2009 I began producing a second podcast set in The Land of Caern: Tales of The Children. Tales of the Children is a short story anthology podcast, with stories by me and by some of the best authors in podcast fiction.
This podcast also features live readings of stories on!