Aug 23, 2008
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
Episode 29 – Chapter 29 – Lane Niccols
00:00 – Intro
- Bumper: Brian Brown
- Intro Chatter
- Dragon*Con coming!
- I am a horrible nemesis
- Did not win a Podcast Peer Award, but got some votes!
- Guest Voices – Rick Stringer, The Vicar, Caroline Murphy-Himmelman
3:55 – The Story So Far
Arames Kragen has been hired to discover who murdered Gretta Platt. His investigation leads him to examine the corpse of a murdered book dealer a few leagues from Avedon Hill. Evidence confirms that there is a vampire master living in Avedon Hill.
06:00 – Chapter Twenty-nine: Lane Niccols
Arames confronts Lane Niccols.
19:00 – Promos
Music in this podcast:
Dec 25, 2008
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
0:00 – Intro
3:20 – Chapter 38: Kalin’s Work
In this episode: characters die, a building falls, and Arames is left angry.
24:50 – Post-Chapter
- Promo – Mark Kinney’s Arcadian Gate
- Caern Line Calls (Kim Fortuner, Thomas Reed, Scott Roche) and Commentary (call the Caern Line at 704-315-5884)
- 2nd Teaser for “Flinchy and the Mexican Show Truck” — an audio drama that has two episode up at The Seanachai
Music in this podcast:
Thanks for a wonderful 2008, people! Even better things to come in 2009. Just you wait and see!
Jan 28, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
0:00 – Intro
4:00 – The Story So Far – Nathan Lowell
After the recent deaths of some of Avedon Hill’s townspeople, Arames Kragen has had enough.
6:20 – Chapter 39: The Temple of Artus
Arames and Arrin pay a visit to Marrissa, and then move to the long-abandoned Temple of Artus.
31:40 – Post-Chapter
Music in this podcast:
- Shira Kammen –
- Kevin McLeod – Anxiety, Classic Horror, Dark Standoff, Interloper, Measured Paces, Shamanistic, Zombie Hoodoo
- David Beard – Imminent Danger, Blacksmith Strings, Hunt Run, Fight Strings,
- Warg (Sound Snap) – Middle Earth Drama
- Additional f/x found at and The Freesound Project
Three more to go! Thanks for everything!
UPDATE: People are receiving multiple copies of this episode. We have identified the issue and are taking steps to fix it. Thanks for your patience!
Jul 24, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, Novel, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
Murder at Avedon Hill has been named as a finalist in the 2009 Parsec Awards, in the category Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Long Form including Independents).
From the Parsec Awards website:
The Parsec Awards are dedicated to rewarding excellence in various aspects of Speculative Fiction Podcasting. The Parsec Award is available for Sci-fi & Fantasy Original Content, podiobooks and a variety of other categories dealing with the new frontiers of Portable Media. The 4th annual Parsec Awards will be held at the Dragon*con convention held September 4 through September 7, 2009.
Before I started this project I attended the first Parsec Awards at D*C in 2006. From that moment it became one of my goals… to one day be a Parsec Awards finalist. To have MaAH as a finalist in the Audio Drama category is a great validation of the hard work that I and so many other people put into this podcast.
Thanks to the fans that nominated Murder at Avedon Hill in the first place, and thanks to the awards committee and others that felt MaAH belonged on the short list of podcasts in this category. The other nominees:
As you know I love Chris Lester’s work on the MCP podcast (damn him), and Rich Sigfrit, the driving force behind Mr. Adventure, played two roles in MaAH (Herrjarr and Kell). Mr. Adventure is a lot of fun and you should check it out.
And Mur… she is simply the best.
The only nominee I am not familiar with is The Leviathan Chronicles (other than their great promo I believe I played on my podcast). But if nothing else, check out their website. It’s frakkin’ awesome! I’ll be listening to it before D*C, to be sure.
A lot of my friends in the podcasting world are Parsec finalists this year as well. Too many to list here, but I’m really looking forward to the ceremony to see who wins!
In the next few weeks I’ll be adding audio content in the feed. Interviews mostly, with Patrick McLean, Seth Harwood, and my editor, Gabrielle Harbowy. I also plan on contacting all of my fellow nominees for something prior to September. 
Thanks again, people!!
Aug 21, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
As promised, I decided to interview the other four finalists in the Best Audio Drama Long Form Category at this year’s Parsec Awards. While I’m ultimately hoping to sabotage all of my competitors by getting them to admit to something horrible… like drinking Miller Lite… or kicking puppies… I’m afraid all I’m really good at is making sure people learn more about these wonderful creators.
Here is the first of my four interviews, this one with Christof Laputka, creator and writer of The Leviathan Chronicles.

Christof is a world traveler, a former finance expert, a Highlander fan, a production whore… and his commitment to his audio drama, in terms of both time and money, is awe-inspiring.
One of the many things I’m looking foward to at Dragon*Con this year is meeting Christof and drinking a beer (or three).
Music: Grande Rue De Pera – Ruben van Rompaey, courtesy of
Promo: The Leviathan Chronicles
Promo: Tales of the Children