Dec 15, 2008
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Other Podcasts, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed

Patrick McLean released Pt. 2 of “Flinchy and the Mexican Show Truck” over on The Seanachai. Flinchy makes his first appearance (the one and only Tee Morris), as does my wife Liza, playing herself (and she has the best line in the whole darn thing).
I don’t want to clutter this feed with more non-MaAH episodes right now, so please head on over and give Pt. 2 a listen on Patrick’s site, or subscribe to The Seanachai. It is one of the best podcasts in production today, so you might as well give it a try! 
Jan 6, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Other Podcasts, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed

Patrick McLean released Pt. 3 of “Flinchy and the Mexican Show Truck” over on The Seanachai. In all honesty, this is the best of the three episodes so far… in the zone 
I don’t want to clutter this feed with more non-MaAH episodes right now, so please head on over and give Pt. 3 a listen on Patrick’s site, or subscribe to The Seanachai. It is one of the best podcasts in production today, so you might as well give it a try! 
Jan 7, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in Other Podcasts, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed

Patrick McLean released Pt. 4 of “Flinchy and the Mexican Show Truck” over on The Seanachai. This is the last episode of ‘season’ 1. Season 2 is already in the works (probably out no earlier than the end of February).
I don’t want to clutter this feed with more non-MaAH episodes right now, so please head on over and give all four episodes a listen on Patrick’s site, or subscribe to The Seanachai. It is one of the best podcasts in production today, so you might as well give it a try! 
Jul 7, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed, Tales of the Children, ToTC Podcast
I’ve got a ten minute audio update for you this evening, focusing on what’s been going on for the last six weeks.
But more importantly, we talk about the next fiction podcast project I’ll be working on, called Tales of the Children.
It’s going to be a lot of fun… with a lot of great friends coming along for the ride!
- Call the Caern Line! – 704-315-5884
- If you haven’t reviewed MaAH on iTunes, please do!
- Balticon Rocks!
- I’m still on the Dead Robots’ Society podcast (not every week, but often!)
- Flinchy is coming… really it is!
- I’ll be podcasting some interviews/discussions with my editor Gabrielle Harbowy
- the promo for Tales of the Children
- closing thoughts
- Bloopers from the past

Sep 3, 2009
Posted by P.G. Holyfield in MaAH Podcast, Murder at Avedon Hill, Novel, P.G. Holyfield's Master Feed
Podcasting’s Rick Sigfrit decided that I needed to be interviewed as the last remaining finalist, and who better to interview me than someone that voiced multiple characters in my podcast novel!

Music: Grande Rue De Pera – Ruben van Rompaey, courtesy of
Promo: Tales of the Children