
MaAH – Interview on Jack Mangan’s Deadpan podcast

Tonight we have one of my favorite interviews ever, with one of the great gentlemen of podcasting… Jack Mangan. Enjoy.

Interview on Into the Blender Podcast

Last week I sat down with Chooch and Viv (two of my favorite people in the world) and we talked about the Launch. The conversation moved into many different areas not covered in other interviews, so give it a listen.

Into the Blender is a podcast about blended families, geek culture, and it is a wonderful listen month in and month out. Go check it out!

MaAH Special Edition: Interview with Howard Tayler

Balticon was wonderful–best convention I’ve ever attended. One of the many reasons for this (which I’ll detail in an upcoming audio update) was the forty-five minutes I got to spend with Howard Tayler. Howard is the creator of the Schlock Mercenary web-comic, a host on the Writing Excuses podcast, and the Artist Guest of Honor at Balticon this year.

We talked about storytelling within the medium of ‘sequential art,’ Writing Excuses, pacing within different mediums, and a little about the talk Howard gave at Balticon on education and on becoming a better creator, no matter the medium.

Thanks to Howard for being patient with someone that obviously had less than a good grasp of web-comic terminology (I referred to panels as boxes throughout the interview :-) ).

Promo at the end of the episode is for Prisoners of the Alliance.

Appearance: The Roundtable Podcast

Last week I was a Guest Host on The Roundtable Podcast, a great new podcast that does two different things really well. Their primary purpose is to do story-workshops with new/budding writers, which is a lot of fun to do, and to listen to if you are interested in writing. They (hosts Dave Robison and Brion Humphrey) also take time to interview their guests hosts about their writing and the process of writing.

My interview with Dave and Brion is up on the site now and the workshop episode should be released in the next day or so. I hope you enjoy it!

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