Welcome to PGHolyfield.com!
Welcome to the website of P.G. Holyfield, author and podcaster.
Before we go any further, what can you find here?
- The Murder at Avedon Hill Podcast Novel
- The Tales of the Children Short Story Anthology Podcast
- Information about the upcoming print release of Murder at Avedon Hill (Book Launch Date post)
- Information on my fantasy setting, The Land of Caern.
The Land of Caern is the fantasy setting I’ve been writing and playing RPGs in since 1988.
Back in 2004 I started writing a novel set in The Land of Caern. It began its life as a proposed module for the computer game Neverwinter Nights. I then took the plot from that module and began serializing the story as a text release on the Neverwinter Vault website. After releasing the the first draft of the first half of the novel online, I decided to finish the novel “offline” and try to get it published. I finished the first draft of the novel near the end of 2006.
Early 2006 I discovered podcasting. I began contributing to podcasts in the summer of 2006, and began my own podcast in early 2007. I briefly released Murder at Avedon Hill as a self-published novel through Lulu.com
To learn more about the journey to get Murder at Avedon Hill written in novel form, please visit the page on this site called “The Story Behind the Story.”
I began the podcast version of Murder at Avedon Hill in June of 2007. It is still available on this website, on iTunes, and through Podiobooks.com.
The production ended after 42 episodes on May 21, 2009. Due to the generous help of family, friends, and members of the tribe, MaAH morphed, skirting the line between straight read and audio drama, with over 45 guests adding their voices to the podcast.
You can download episodes directly or subscribe through your aggregator of choice.
Murder at Avedon Hill was picked up by Dragon Moon Press and is due to be published in 2010.
In September of 2009 I began producing a second podcast set in The Land of Caern: Tales of The Children. Tales of the Children is a short story anthology podcast, with stories by me and by some of the best authors in podcast fiction.
This podcast also features live readings of stories on stickam.com!

Hi there – just found your podcast – accidently very lucky!!- really enjoying the book/play – only up to Chapter 3 but keen to get moving onto next chapter’s…. well done on a monumental piece of work – I’ll pop an ad up on my Myspace site to see if I can generate some more interest for you…look forward to hearing more – cheers
Thanks Graham! I hope you enjoy the rest of the episodes, and thanks for spreading the word! If you stop back by, let me know how you found the podcast. Search? iTunes? Other podcasts? Always good to know.
I found your podcast at iTunes and I must sayI really love the book so far! In fact I’m anxiously awaiting it’s printed release so I can purchase it. Please continue to write. You are really very talented!
Thanks Missy! The print release will be announced…. well, as soon as ep. 17 drops.
Hi P.G., Great Story!
However, it’s too long of a delay in between episodes- 14 days and no new episode from #16… gonna unsubscribe till the audio book is completed. Sorry – there are other books that are on a better schedule and I’m running out of space on my hard drive as there are other books I want to start that are already completed.
However, that being said, you have written/are writing a great story and plot- you are truly a gifted story teller and crafter – keep up the great work!!! I promise I’ll come back and download when it’s finished.
I completely understand, Mandy. I’m really trying to do better, but it’s not easy for me to make my desired 10 day turnaround.
That being said, I’ve just uploaded ep. 17… writing the post for it now. Maybe it will get you to stick around a little longer.
Anyways, thanks so much for the nice comments. I’ll see you around!
Woo Hoo!! I just ordered my copy of the book. Hooray! Hooray! I can’t wait until it’s here.
Thank you for sharing your talent. Keep up the good work.
Wow, Missy, you weren’t kidding around, were you!?
Thanks so much for your patronage. Please come back and let everyone know what you think of the novel once you’ve read it. Psst… something like “Just wait until you guys hear the last third of the book.. it’s awesome!” would be great!
Hey, what can I say? I’m so impressed with the work you’ve shared so far. Plus, when you’re famous I can say, “I have a First edition P. G. Holyfield!”
I’ll definately be back to let you know once I’ve finished reading it. I expect it to be a few weeks to get here since we’re military living overseas. I’ll let you know.
Hi PG! I’m really enjoying the series and can’t wait to buy the book too. I have my husband hooked and we eagerly await each new chapter. We’ve been telling all our friends to download you.
Thanks so much for spreading the word, Jude!
Be sure to listen to the beginning of ep.18 (when it is released), for information on a listener participation event I’m doing mid-march.
And what is it with Australia? Apparently I’m bigger than the Outback there… I love it!
thanks for the great podcast!
don’t worry about the long time between updates, as long as you get there i don’t mind. as a reader i see this happening with just about everything put online for free. It should stay a hobby and not a job, how can people getting this for free nag the creator about more frequent updates???? i don’t get it.
oh one silly thing i keep thinking “moronic order” every time the Aarronic Order is mentioned …
don’t know why though.
hanks again for your time and effort.
p.s: i came here from metamor city, so maybe lay of chris for a bit?
moronic order… I see a parody in my future.
so robin, you’re saying I should tell people I can give them their money back if they complain about the release schedule?
I wouldn’t do that! Truth be told, though, one of the many reasons the top podcast novelists are the top podcast novelists is their consistency. Plus they’re damn good. I don’t mind the assumption that I should get the episodes out faster. I want it just as much as they do.
and as for Chris… Lester….
Actually, we will be on panels together at Balticon (more on that in the next episode), and are looking forward to it!
Hey P.G., the parsec awards are taking nominations till the 15th of June. It would be nice if you put a message on the podcast, asking people to vote for their favourite audio novel at parsecawards.com
What are you waiting for people? Go comment on MaAH at http://parsecawards.com/node/288
Thanks Sukarn! I’ll be sure to mention it in the next episode.
Despite I am quite modern and follow the modern techniques, I was not interested in RSS-feeds or audiobooks. I have downloaded some and they were just a waste of bandwith. Untill a colleague at work convinced me to try ‘Murder at Av. Hill’. And now I am at chapter 8 with a weekly download via Podiobooks.com.
Just to say, it is a great novel, stunning, professionally packed into an audiofile and very surprising: FREE.
A lot of audiobooks that you have to pay for, are not that professionaly build and have several speakers to play the different characters, which makes it easier to follow, certainly for someone like me who is not English.
Thanks! And keep up the good work.
The book will only be bought after completing the audiobook.
A listener from Belgium.
Hey P.G.,
I am enjoying MaAH immensely. But damn you Holyfield. You keep us waiting at cliff hangers.
I started listening to Tee and Pip to fill the space. Since you’re still going with your podcast and they’ve finished I’ve come to the conclusion that you must have a life.
In all seriousness, I admire you. You’re putting a heck of lot of time and effort in your work – what must be your passion. In this day and age, we’re all so busy and it so difficult to balance what we must do and what we love to do.
Keep up the great work!
I was recently given an iPod which lead me to iTunes and once there I started poking around. At first it was music but then I stumbled into podcasts of NPR, BBC and the like. That was cool enough but one day I blundered into literature and started mixing in a short story or two with my other iPod fare. I was managing to integrate all this into my life with no adverse consequences. I was still what they call high functioning. That is until MaAH. I started it believing that I could control my consumption. It would be just an episode every day or so. Then I found myself cursing the time it took to download. Finally I had to admit I had a problem when my wife scheduled an intervention. Even then I couldn’t kick the habit. Now that I’ve finish the last episode, I’m reluctantly returning to a neglected life that is drab in comparison. Damn you Holyfield!!
BTW In a desperate attempt to encourage you to continue to publish I posted a 5 star review on ITunes.
Old Hippie Dude
It’s great to see new reasons for a “Damn you, Holyfield!”
And great to see a junkie story that has nothing to do with scott sigler.
And J.T., if you ever come back, thanks for the kind words. This is a passion, and there
is so much more I would love to do, but there’s just not enough hours in the day.
Just finished the podcast and loved it. I can’t wait for the second book. Do you have any idea when you will start on it?
Thanks Blair. Still working on the MS for MaAH so it can be published in April or May of this year. Then I can continue work on the next book. I’m looking to start podcasting that at the end of 2010.
I just finished reading Murder at Avedon Hill. I loved it. It seemed from the ending that you intend on continuing the tale in subsequent novels . . . did I get the right intention or is this it?
Yes, there will be a sequel… working on it this summer.