MaAH Special Edition: Parsec Finalist Christof Laputka
As promised, I decided to interview the other four finalists in the Best Audio Drama Long Form Category at this year’s Parsec Awards. While I’m ultimately hoping to sabotage all of my competitors by getting them to admit to something horrible… like drinking Miller Lite… or kicking puppies… I’m afraid all I’m really good at is making sure people learn more about these wonderful creators.
Here is the first of my four interviews, this one with Christof Laputka, creator and writer of The Leviathan Chronicles.
Christof is a world traveler, a former finance expert, a Highlander fan, a production whore… and his commitment to his audio drama, in terms of both time and money, is awe-inspiring.
One of the many things I’m looking foward to at Dragon*Con this year is meeting Christof and drinking a beer (or three).
Music: Grande Rue De Pera – Ruben van Rompaey, courtesy of
Promo: The Leviathan Chronicles
Promo: Tales of the Children