Since I have spent most of my time on my other site, SpecFicMedia.com, I thought I should add a welcome post here to possible new visitors.
Hi, I’m P.G. Holyfield. I am a podcaster and wrote a novel called Murder at Avedon Hill. I produced an audio version of an early draft of the novel from 2007-2009, which you can find on iTunes and over at podiobooks.com. If you do not use iTunes or some other ‘podcatcher,’ and would like to just download the audio files from here (or listen to them directly on this site), here is the best place to start.
If you are interested in the novel, you can read the first few chapters of the novel here, and you can find print and kindle versions of the novel on Amazon.com
After I finished the podcast of the novel, I started producing a short story anthology called Tales of the Children, based in the ‘world’ where Murder at Avedon Hill takes place. These are stories written mostly by other authors, and I will return to that podcast at some point… soon. What was fun about this anthology was it allowed me to delve into video as well. I did live readings of the stories through stickam.com, then followed with podcasted audio versions of the stories. You can find more information on this short story anthology here.
Currently I am one of the hosts of the Beyond the Wall, a Game of Thrones related podcast where we talk about the HBO series and the books by George R.R. Martin. I am a frequent guest at conventions such as Balticon and Dragon*Con, where I am usually on panels around new media, podcasting, and self-promotion.
I live in Charlotte, NC and have given talks on self-promotion, self-publishing and working with a small publisher, both at local venues and at regional conventions. If you are interested in this or for any other reason, please email me at pgholyfield at gmail dot com