Murder at Avedon Hill Ep. 1 – Prologue and Chapter 1
We’re finally HERE! Thanks to everyone for your understanding and patience.
For your listening pleasure (I sure hope), here is the premiere of Murder at Avedon Hill:
00:00 – Intro
- Opening Theme: Shetland Set – Shira Kammen
- Welcome
- Thanks to Leann Mabry, voice of Gretta Platt
- Dedication – Debbie Scott, teacher
04:20 – Prologue: Gretta
We are introduced to Gretta Platt, Housemistress of Avedon Manor. Don’t get too used to her. Remember the title of the novel?
13:58 – Chapter One: Arrival
We are introduced to Arames Kragen, monk and former Aarronic Advisor, and his student, Arrin Perti. Our two heroes have reached Avedon Hill, gateway to the Olviaran Pass. But they have arrived only to discover a town that has closed its doors to travelers.
- Closing Theme: The Impossible Butterfly – Shira Kammen
32:30 – Post-Comments
- Interested in doing the voice of one of the characters in the podcast? Let me know!
- Thanks again to Leann Mabry from the Tag in the Seam podcast
- Comments so appreciated!
- email – pgholyfield (at) murderatavedonhill (dot) com
- skype (pgholyfield)
33:50 – Promos
- Give Us a Minute – the podcast of hope
- Wander Radio – 109.9 Almost on your Radio Dial
35:55 – Outro
Music in this podcast:
- Shira Kammen –
- Shetland Set – Wild Wood
- The Impossible Butterfly – Wild Wood
- Rafe’s Waltz – Castle of the Holly King
- Pasa Viene – Wild Wood
- Additional Background Music by Kevin McLeod, available at
- songs used – Measured Paces, Unrelenting
One last time… thanks for listening!

Thank you. It was well worth the wait. The music fit the feel and the shift between narrative and voices was smooth. To confirm, I am hooked.
Congratulations, my man. Welcome to club
*high five*
Awesome job my friend!!!!!
I am such a mother hen, but I am soooo proud of you!!!
So, Murder at Avedon Hill finally is out as a podcast.
I heard of this for months but didn’t want to look into it before at least hearing something from it.
Now my subscription list is one feed longer.
As Avedon Hill was originally a NWN adventure, are there any plans for a gaming supplement/sourcebook?
Thanks to everyone that has commented thus far. I really appreciate it!
Selganor, the plot of MaA began as an idea for a NWN module, but the module was an idea that never reached fruition. Still, I thought it was a story worth telling, so that’s when I started adapting it into this setting.
As for gaming supplements? The Land of Caern has always been my campaign setting for D&D, so I certainly have the reference material. But that is a long term goal for now.
Thanks again for taking the time to post!
I’m so glad you’re doing this! I just downloaded ep 1 and can’t wait to hear it.
i’m a bit behind, but i’ve just listened to this first episode. i’m a reader of all shapes and sizes, and i have to say that i can’t remember a time i was so easily hooked and drawn into a story. this is also my first podcast novel. it’s really fantastic, and i look forward to listening to more. =)